AKPA Kimya has focused Decently on R&D investments in its high-tech laboratories in order to meet customer requirements. he established the R&D Center in 2017 and the Environmental Laboratory in 2018. Dec. In addition, it carries out joint projects by providing cooperation with universities.
Our company creates a team for product development and technical support with a professional R&D team that has high knowledge and experience and Decrees various projects. Significant investments in the field of R&D have played an active role in the Deceleration process of our company. Not only are we satisfied with responding to the needs of customers in the most appropriate way, but also special studies are carried out according to the applications of customers. With this solution-oriented production-development approach, it has carried the service quality to the highest levels. The provision of high-quality products and technical support are among the distinctive advantages of AKPA Kimya.
Research and Development (R&D) and Product Development (P&D)
Our high-tech equipment is located in our Research and Development (R&D) and Product Development (P&D) laboratory, which is full of know-how (technical know-how) and the best solutions needed by our customers. AKPA's know-how sets allow us to offer customized solutions and unique innovations to customers in many sectors such as electronics, decorative, industrial paint, construction, aerospace and automotive. Our R&D teams carefully follow the market trends and continue to work on providing pioneering and sustainable solutions. AKPA is involved in many scientific and industrial partnerships and takes part in cooperation project networks.
Universities and confederation industry are actively working to enrich AKPA R&D with their knowledge. We focus on R&D studies in order to fully meet the satisfaction and needs of our business partners with our expert team. We continue to make the life of our users even easier with the new products we have developed. AKPA continues its activities in this field by giving importance to human health with its user-friendly Phthalate-free products.
We are working for a sustainable future.
AKPA, which plans to reduce our country's foreign dependence by manufacturing in a difficult and dangerous sector, as well as to respond quickly to the needs of the developing industry with high-quality products, will work both for the development of safe production technologies and the development of high-tech starter systems. Our company regularly makes technical visits to its customers and provides technical trainings about our products.
Akpa Kimya has adopted the concept of fast and high quality service with the awareness that making a difference leads companies to success today. Our company has become teammates and solution partners with its customers rather than a customer-supplier relationship. This understanding enables the supplier-employee-customer chain to act together for a long time.
Akpa Chemistry is guided by technological know-how and an innovative spirit. Our research allows us to create new materials, develop promising solutions and shape a sustainable future. Jul Jul Our important investments in this field; In order to leave a cleaner environment for the future, we started working on the project of using solar and wind energy, which is the cleanest renewable energy source in the world, in our production. In addition, we cooperate with many relevant organizations in order to combat erosion, afforestation and protect natural assets.
Product Development and Planning Steps
Our Three-Stage Research and Development Process
Setting Goals
Develops new products or solutions according to industry and customer segments, we do analysis studies on industry trends and customer needs.
University and Industry Collaborations
By determining the collaborations to be made with universities and industry partners, we make plans in which areas joint projects will be carried out.
Environmental Sensitivity and Sustainability
By identifying projects related to environmentally friendly production techniques and renewable energy sources, we carry out the planning of erosion control, afforestation and protection of natural assets projects.
Focus on Technical Support
We plan technical support, training programs and regular visits for customers.
Safe Production Technologies
Plans the studies on safe production technologies in the difficult and dangerous sector, we identify projects in order to be able to respond quickly to the needs of the developing industry in order to reduce foreign dependence in the country.
R&D Laboratory Studies Dec.
Initiates R&D projects needed in various sectors Decently in laboratory environment, we monitor the progress of projects carried out with universities and industry partners.
Sustainability Projects
By implementing sustainability projects such as the use of solar and wind energy, we implement projects to combat erosion, afforestation and protect natural assets.
Provision of Technical Support
By carrying out regular technical visits to customers, we organize technical training programs related to products.
Evaluation of projects.
By evaluating the level of success of the realized projects and the degree of achievement of the goals, we develop projects by taking customer feedback and Sunday performance into consideration.
Innovation and Development
R&D teams closely follow the market trends and technology developments by Dec, new projects and innovative opportunities for product development are evaluated.
Maintaining the Commitment to Sustainability
By evaluating sustainability projects in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, we set new sustainability targets and carry out studies in this direction.
Research and Development Strategy
AKPA Kimya pursues a Research and Development strategy that will help it maintain both customer satisfaction and its competitive advantage in the sector.
Leading The Industry
AKPA Kimya focuses on the goal of providing pioneering and sustainable solutions in the sector. Research and development studies are focused on innovations that lead the sector by carefully following market trends.
Special Solutions for Various Sectors
AKPA Kimya offers special solutions for various sectors in order to maximize customer satisfaction. It continues to develop products that can be used in different sectors such as electronics, decorative, industrial paint, construction, aviation and automotive.
University and Industry Cooperation
AKPA Chemistry continues its active cooperation with universities and industrial organizations and takes part in joint projects. In this way, it aims to increase the potential to produce more innovative solutions.
Sustainability and Environmental Sensitivity
In order to realize our commitment to working for a sustainable future, more emphasis is placed on environmentally friendly production techniques and investments in renewable energy sources. Cooperation on combating erosion, afforestation and protecting natural assets is continuing.
Focus on Technical Support
AKPA Kimya continues its success in providing technical support to its customers and continues to train customers about products with regular technical visits.
Safe Production Technologies
AKPA Kimya, which produces in a difficult and dangerous sector, is focused on developing safe production technologies. It continues to focus its investments in this direction in order to be in a position to respond quickly to the needs of the developing industry by reducing foreign dependence in the country.
Customer Relations and Teamwork
By maintaining the understanding of being a teammate and solution partner with customers rather than a customer-supplier relationship, it aims to move the supplier-employee-customer chain together for a long time thanks to this.
International Competition
AKPA Kimya focuses on compliance with global standards and international collaborations in order to make its products competitive in the international Sunday.
AKPA Kimya, which has a wide product range in the chemical industry, provides fast and short product supply to the whole world, especially Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, thanks to its strategic geographical location.
Today, AKPA Kimya regularly exports to more than 75 countries, and the ratio of its foreign sales to total sales exceeds 75%.
As AKPA Kimya Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., we place utmost importance on the security of your personal data. With this awareness, we attach great importance to processing and preserving all kinds of personal data belonging to individuals associated with the Company, including those benefiting from our products and services, in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("GDPR"). As Data Controller with full awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data within the framework of the limits prescribed by legislation as explained below.
The privacy of your personal life and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms are our fundamental principles during the use of your personal data in our services.
Purposes of processing your personal data and legal grounds:
Within the scope of the laws and relevant regulations to which our company is subject, your personal data such as identity information, address, telephone number, tax number, and other information, which are considered as personal data within the scope of the GDPR, are processed in accordance with the GDPR to be used in the services to be provided to you, to perform our services, to determine the owner and addressee of all kinds of transactions and transactions to be realized within this scope, to keep records of information and documents that will be the basis for transactions and transactions to be carried out on paper or electronically, to comply with the information storage, reporting, and notification obligations prescribed for all judicial and administrative competent authorities in accordance with the relevant legislation, to perform our services within the scope of the laws we are subject to, and to offer other services provided or requested by our company.
In case one of the conditions listed below in the 2nd paragraph of Article 5 of the GDPR titled "Conditions for Processing of Personal Data" exists, processing of personal data without explicit consent of the relevant person is possible:
Explicitly prescribed by the laws.
It is mandatory for the protection of life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is unable to express consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid.
Transfer of Your Personal Data:
Even if there is no explicit consent of the personal data subject, personal data may be transferred to third parties by our Company under the conditions specified below, with due care and necessary security measures taken, including the methods prescribed by the Board.
Clearly prescribed in the laws regarding the transfer of personal data,
It is directly related and necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract for the transfer of personal data by the Company,
In addition to the above, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries ("Adequate Countries") declared to have adequate protection by the Board if any of the above conditions exist. If adequate protection is not available, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries ("Countries where the Data Controller Providing Adequate Protection is Located") where data controllers in Turkey and the relevant foreign country provide adequate protection in writing and with the permission of the Board, in accordance with the data transfer conditions prescribed in the legislation.
Deletion, Destruction, or Anonymization of Personal Data:
a. Personal data is deleted, destroyed, or anonymized by the data controller ex officio or upon the request of the data subject if the reasons requiring processing despite being processed in compliance with this Law and other relevant laws cease to exist.
b. Provisions of other laws regarding the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data are reserved.
c. Procedures and principles regarding the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data are regulated by regulation.
Your rights under Article 11 of the Law:
By applying to our Company, you have the right to;
Learn whether your personal data has been processed,
Data Controller to whom you can apply under the Law:
AKPA Kimya Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Contact Link: www.akpakimya.com
Yenibosna Central Neighborhood Ladin Street No:36/70 Townofis Floor: 12 34197
Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90(212) 580 55 59
Email: info@akpakimya.com
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